Sunday, April 25, 2010


I was driving along today and saw a particularly striking example of Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae (cedar-apple rust) in action!  I saw at least three trees in the area with this amazing bright orange fungus, but one of them was completely covered!  Here are a few photos that I took:

A side view of one of the fungal fruiting bodies progressing through the stages of maturity.

A particularly juicy fruiting body as seen from below.

A small portion of the tree covered in the fungus.

[Photos by Brendan Hodkinson.]


  1. I just saw this for the first time in my mom's yard about a month ago. Very interesting.

  2. This was the first time I had actually seen it in the stage where it was bright orange. I had only seen the copper-colored galls before. Quite spectacular!
